Wednesday, August 1, 2012

                         Metaphor Updated                      

 A metaphor written in an ancient advita ,has evolved to me in meditation .
One who is a seeker is like a person in life who is climbing stairs of an alter .
They are trying to get to God at the top of a mountain in which these windey alter
exist .There is all types of books on God ,new age , ancient writings, and experiences to have on truth along this path. Then there are those who make it to the top and actually make a transistion again . Or those who realize,once at the top, if they knock on the door ";it will be the end of there exsistence if they knock and enter . So they choose to turn around and head back down ,feeling they've achieved a great wisdom & knowledge . These wise ones ;elderly souls if you will , purpose is to help others who are on the pathway stairs . To show and guide others , to help people realize, without knocking on the door ,that there searching for themselves . there own being . There's the old saying . what your looking for is what your looking with . These are great wise people and there is a greater happening of this everyday in this new paradigm .
Well . that's all for now , more will be revealed .
Many blessings .

By Joe LePore  (josho)