Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mind relationship

 In Metaphysics and Jungian theory, highlighting on the Archetypes of the Mind . 

  What a person is thinking in the conscious mind , goes into the subconscious memory bank. Then from the subconscious these thoughts flow into the psychic part of the mind and rests in the ether-field around us. This energy process resonates outwardly affecting others minds through the exchanging of ideas in the psychic thought realm. The cycle repeats endlessly .  So remove the false layers, be positive, live healthy,and have gratitude for what you have so you resonate this outwardly towards the world .

                                    JosHo311-jan 2013

Xerox your life

The Universe duplicates our every thought, like a giant Xerox machine. We are walking magnets, attracting the energy that we put out. If you believe life is hard, guess what. Life will be difficult for you. If you believe a certain outcome is inevitable because of events in your past, you've already made it a foregone conclusion. But if you believe that joy is your birthright, you will stop at nothing until you have joy and the Universe will support you in that.
The Universe doesn't distinguish between true and accurate thoughts, and those that are false. It takes any thought and makes it so.
Most of us live on default settings, by happenstance. We are in the stands of life, instead of playing full out. Our pre-programming runs on autopilot. It's so easy to live in this place. It's where 99% of the world lives, quite contently. You go through the motions of your day and never stop to pause in gratitude, push yourself to learn something new or raise your vibrational energy to a level of peaceful harmony with all of Nature.
To get a clue about your true beliefs, the thoughts that are dominating your brain consistently most of the time, look at your life the way it is right now. What kind of results are you seeing? To change the output, you have to change the input. Garbage in = garbage out.
It's not appropriate or our purpose to suffer. No matter what your current circumstances are, you can stand in the middle of them and declare love and joy. The kingdom of Heaven is within you. You may feel like you're not doing something right, but these are opportunities to wake up.
The Universe is just making photocopies. Be sure what you're putting on the glass is worthy.
                                                                                                                   Jamie Anderson